Mon - Fri 8:00 am – 7:00 pm / Sat 8:00 am – 1:00 pm

Call us: CR: +506 2208-8973

WhatsApp +506 8917-2264 / +506 8805-7089



Play – Explore – Create – Learn

epl kids is a service that specializes in providing children ages 3 – 12 years old with fun and imaginative ways to learn and improve their English language skills.

Through various games, activities, and dynamic lessons, children learn the language through comprehensible input. Classes may be virtual or in-person. They may also be individual or group-based.

Each student’s plan is highly personalized and can be focused on a wide range of subjects (science, math, ballet, and arts) so that the learning plan can be built around the student’s English level and personal interests.

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Below is a list of all the Creative Garage workshops that we are currently offering. The workshops are arranged by the suggested age of the participants. All Creative Garage workshops are offered both in English and Spanish.

Electro Kids 4 to 6 years old

In this workshop, children work and play with materials that can create light, movement and sound. They also will create simple electrical circuits using fruit, marshmallows and other conductive materials. Finally, they begin to build small robots that can be programmed using wooden blocks.

Little Inventors 7 to 11 years old

In Little Inventors, children explore and learn about electric circuits, robotics, programming, 3D printing,and augmented reality. They create their own machines that generate light, movement and sound. They also model and print objects in 3D, and begin to explore programming with Scratch.

Creative Makers 12 to 13 years old

At Creative Makers, students explore technological tools that allow them to develop projects of their own design. They do this using modeling software and 3D printing, as well as tools such as Arduino, Makey-Makey, Scratch, and Animation & Comic. In this workshop students use technology to design and create meaningful projects, and begin to learn in an innovative way that fosters creative thinking.

Design Thinking 12 to 18 years old

This workshop takes a creative approach to solving problems related to people and societies. Once these problems have been identified, students use a sequential methodology to design solution prototypes. They thus develop their own projects that can benefit the local or global community. Using this workshop’s sequential methodology allows students to create projects that make their college applications stand out.


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